Behandeling en opslag van goederen

BTZ Commodities richt zich op een breed scala aan goederen zoals stortstenen, schroot, pellets en halffabricaten. Wij zijn de echte specialist in de behandeling van grondstoffen zoals stortstenen, recyclebaar schroot, pellets en halffabricaten. Wij bieden gespecialiseerde distributie- en vrachtverwerkingsdiensten, evenals verschillende op- en overslagmogelijkheden.

Strategic location

Strategically located in North-western Europe with excellent hinterland links, we profit from a combination of unhindered seaport access and multimodal hinterland connections. To give an example, most of the scrap arrives at our terminal from the hinterland by truck or barge where we have plenty of space for temporary, separated storage. Afterwards the scrap leaves on board of deep-sea vessels to its destination for further processing.

Discharging and loading commodities

We are experts in discharging and loading commodities using a variety of cranes and can upon request also take care of board-to-board handling. We also offer container loading facilities. No matter what, we ensure that each requirement is fulfilled using the correct equipment. Behind our quay, the terminal has 7.5ha of open space for storing your commodities. From June 2024 our premises will be extended to 21ha. With our modern machinery that is especially designed for the storage and processing of bulk goods, no challenge is too great.

BTZ Commodities

Why BTZ Commodities?

  • Dedicated terminal for the handling and storage of commodities such as recyclable scrap, pellets, and semi-manufactures.
  • 10.7ha of storage facilities of which 7.5ha open (will be extended to 21ha).
  • 24/7 service and ISPS security.